The aim /main goal the last transnational meeting was to present the project results in different schools
Our first stop was the Westsik Vilmos Élelmiszeripari Szakgimnázium és Szakközépiskola in Nyíregyházan, where all the products which resulted in our Erasmus+ project were presented: postcards for tolerance, Show Africa, the cookbook, the Art project, the collection of integrating games and the many flash mobs as well as our project hymn ¡Basta ya!. At the end of our almost 40-minute programme, some of the audience did not miss the chance to come up on stage and celebrate the joy about a peaceful Europe with us. True to our motto, everyone who wanted to was welcome to do so.
On the second stop of our our Erasmus+ parade we visited the primary school Reguly Antal Általános Iskola in Baktalórántháza. We presented our project results to the pupils there as well. The primary school we visited is attended by up to 80% Roma children. Honestly, we were quite astounded that our stage programme now lasts almost 40 minutes. Our performance became more professional, the transitions between the acts became continually smoother and our integrating energy became more and more tangible. And again, it was especially our musical acts which the audience reacted to strongest: our flash mobs and our project hymn Basta ya. Meanwhile we started forming a circle at the end of our programme – while singing Basta ya – basically to unite our guests in the centre. We wore yellow T-shirts to demonstrate our German – Spanish-Hungarian unity
The guests in the inside of the circle were not only optically framed, but also protected. And what would we be, what would our circle of people be without the centre, without the audience in the middle. We have to work together.
The third school in our roadshow was the Ferencvárosi Sportiskola in Budapest. Our spark of integration ignited only with difficulty here, but our pupils gave their best.
The Erasmus+ students in the presentation of our idea pool for integration
Interculturality in a different way. Confidence games in the woods of Nyíregyháza

After the presentation of the project in Nyíregyháza, we went to a beautiful wooded park nearby. Surrounded by wonderful, some of them century-old oaks and birch trees we spent several hours in the 360-hektar large green lung of this area. We learned a lot about the kinds of animals and plants in these unique woods. Then we took part in an action to promote our group integration. By grasping a red ribbon given to us and finding a partner at the other end, spontaneous teams of two pupils were formed who could explore the woods together. During this game one of the players was blindfolded to feel the trees with his/her hands while the other led him/her from tree to tree. In the end we had to guress “Which tree, which trees have we just felt?” “How did you feel?” “Was I helpful to you?” This action helped us to explore nature in a haptic way (Europe with all the senses) and promoted trust in our partners at the same time.