Coordinator meeting September 2016 (12.-16.9.)
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When we landed in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria on Monday evening, we were met with rain, which, as a native at the bus stop told us, only comes once a year. We were there to prove it exists!
At school on Tuesday a symbolic sign greeted us “Welcome” in Arabic. Coincidence?
Mobility Hungary 26th of March till the 3rd of April 2019
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The aim /main goal the last transnational meeting was to present the project results in different schools
Our first stop was the Westsik Vilmos Élelmiszeripari Szakgimnázium és Szakközépiskola in Nyíregyházan, where all the products which resulted in our Erasmus+ project were presented: postcards for tolerance, Show Africa, the cookbook, the Art project, the collection of integrating games and the many flash mobs as well as our project hymn ¡Basta ya!. At the end of our almost 40-minute programme, some of the audience did not miss the chance to come up on stage and celebrate the joy about a peaceful Europe with us. True to our motto, everyone who wanted to was welcome to do so.
3rd Pupil Mobility Gran Canaria 17th- 24th February
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The politicians in Hungary refuse to admit refugees. The Spanish politicians remain far under their stated goals for the admission of refugees. On Gran Canaria the goal was to further understanding and acceptance as well as empathy among the youth because the politicians seem to be failing at this task
In addition to attending lessons, the focus of this meeting was on project work together. The pupils worked with enormous engagement on different projects with topics such as “Traditions”, “Say it with music”, and “Mosaic of Cultures”. On the one hand it was the intention to filter out the uniqueness of each culture, but also to determine and present the intercultural commonality. New ideas for integration projects, for example, projects for deaf migrants, were planned at this opportunity.

The Erasmus pupils from Spain and Hungary are here!!
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The 5th pupil mobility is taking place between 8th and 18th December.
Kerpen, October 2017 2nd Pupil Mobility
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The 2nd meeting of all the Erasmus+ Pupils in Kerpen was a great success. The pupils worked hard on the programme for 10 days: